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Andrew Ferrier:
Andrew consults for IBM Software Services, working with IBM customers on
mobile technologies, especially Dojo Mobile and IBM Worklight.
He has presented extensively on Dojo, Mobile, REST, and Web APIs,
contributing Intellectual Capital to the IBM and WebSphere communities, as
well as writing two Redbooks, and numerous posts on Dojo and Worklight Tips
'n' Tricks (http://dojotipsntricks.com/) and SOA Tips 'n' Tricks
(http://soatipsntricks.wordpress.com/), both of which co-founded. He also
regularly speaks at internal and external customer conferences, including
IBM IMPACT and the European WebSphere Technical Conference, as well as being a regular at the WebSphere User Group. Previously, he
worked with WebSphere ESB and WebSphere Process Server.
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Donal Spring :
Donal Spring is a recent joiner to IBM in September 2013. Previous to this he studied Chemistry & Biology before completing a Masters in Computer Science. He joined IBM's Software Services for Mobile group and consults with IBM customers on IBM Worklight and how to make them successful with mobile technology. He is currently working on a project with a large UK retailer developing a consumer-facing sales channel application that combines open source tooling with IBM products to maximise the speed of development and optimise integration with other business partners.
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