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Cognitive Software Delivery and Testing
DevOps (1)
Kevin Smith
With the drive towards Hybrid Cloud, how we develop and deliver quality products is changing at a rapid pace. Our once slow delivery cycles worked well for on-premise deployments but now we are challenged to deliver in ever shorter cycles to support our services in the cloud while still ensuring quality for both deployment targets. The diversity of what we need to support is ever increasing while the pressure to reduce delivery cycles pushes us to drive ever more efficiency in our delivery pipeline.

The Liberty team have been pioneering the integration of the cloud and analytics to drive what we term Cognitive Software Delivery and Testing. Utilising the power of analytics to provide real-time insights into our product quality and our delivery pipeline, as well as driving greater efficiency in both delivery and cloud infrastructure usage. This session will provide you with an introduction to how we use Cognitive Software Delivery and Testing to build our products, from running over a years worth of testing in a single day, optimising our cloud and build performance and allowing us to respond to the challenges of the new hybrid world.

Kevin Smith:

Kevin Smith is the Cognitive Test Architect for the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile, responsible for driving both the quality and efficiency with which it is delivered. Over the last four years, Kevin has been pioneering new ways to drive our quality and test strategy; adopting the cloud at large scale and employing the power of analytics to provide real time insights into both the quality and delivery pipeline. Through these insights the delivery pipeline can be optimised to delivery cost savings, greater understanding of the impact of change and fast feedback to the delivery teams.

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