
User Group UK

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We are delighted to announce the next meeting of the WebSphere User Group, which will take place on 20th September 2011 at the Royal Society of Edinburgh. As usual there will be no charge for this meeting and we are putting together what looks like being another very strong agenda. As well as the main meeting on the 20th, there will be an social gathering the night before which will provide an excellent opportunity for more networking.

Please note that the agenda here is very much a draft, intended to give you a good idea of sessions we are likely to include. The specific presentations, and their timing, will change before the event.

If you're located in the south, don't be put off by the cost of travelling to Edinburgh - return flights to Edinburgh from London are under £60 with easyJet (price checked July 27th).

Provisional Agenda

Registration and Coffee begins from 8:30am, with the Chairman's Intro at 9:00am. The first session begins at 9:30am.

A buffet Lunch is served at 12:30pm, with coffee breaks included in the morning and afternoon.

WebSphere Application Server

09:30 - 10:15

WebSphere Foundation Update & Directions
This session will cover new and improved features in WebSphere Application Server V8, with a particular focus on broad programming model support, a fast, flexible and simplified application foundation, extensive deployment environments, including virtualization and clouds, and integrated tooling.

It will also look further ahead to where the WebSphere foundation is heading over the next few years.

Ian Robinson

Ian Robinson

Ian is a Distinguished Engineer and the Chief Architect of the WebSphere Application Server and foundation technologies, with over 20 years experience working in distributed enterprise middleware. Previously Ian has been responsible for the transaction processing capabilities of the WebSphere platform and the strategy for emerging server-side application programming models.


10:45 - 11:30

OSGi Applications in WebSphere : Best Practices
The Enterprise OSGi specification provides standards to assemble enterprise applications in a dynamic and modular way.

WebSphere Application Server V8.0 provides support for deploying and managing enterprise applications along with enhanced functionality in addition to the standard specifications. This session will present a brief overview of Enterprise OSGi and move on to an extensive set of best practices for developing OSGi applications in WebSphere Application Server v8.0.

Chris Wilkinson

Chris Wilkinson is a software engineer for IBM in Hursley Park, UK. He has over 10 years experience developing and testing components of WebSphere Application Server. In particular, Chris has expertise in JMS Messaging with the WAS SIBus, and more recently has worked on the development of the WAS OSGi Feature Pack. You can reach Chris at Chris.Wilkinson@ uk.ibm.com.


11:40 - 12:25

JAX-WS 2.2 and JAX-RS 1.1 support in WAS V8.0
IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 8.0 Beta includes support for the Java API for XMLBased Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.2 and Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) 1.1 specifications. JAX-WS 2.2 is a maintenance release of Java Specification Request (JSR) 224 that extends the functionality provided by the JAX-WS 2.1 specification with new capabilities. The most significant new capability is support for the Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) Metadata specification in the Application Programming Interface (API). JAX-RS, also known as JSR 311, is a collection of interfaces and Java annotations that simplifies development of server-side REST applications. In this session the speaker will provide an overview of both these technologies including details of the new features in the Beta.

Katherine Sanders

Katherine Sanders

Katherine Sanders is a software engineer at IBM Hursley.

She develops and tests Web service functionality in WebSphere Application Server, with a particular focus on WS-Addressing, WS-ReliableMessaging and WSNotification.

She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Nottingham.


13:30 - 14:15

Overview of the Web 2.0 and Mobile Feature Pack for WebSphere
We’ll discuss the features of the Web 2.0 and Mobile Feature Pack for WebSphere Application Server, especially those introduced recently around mobile capabilities. We’ll cover: the Dojo toolkit, the diagramming framework, IBM’s mobile strategy, including Dojo Mobile and the SOA Connectivity features (JAX-RS, ATOM and RSS feeds, etc.) and how these are delivered by the Feature Pack, as well looking at how the feature pack integrates with tools delivered by Rational Application Developer.

Jonathan Marshall


14:25 - 15:10

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15:30 - 16:15

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16:25 - 17:10

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09:30 - 10:15

(empty slot)

10:45 - 11:30

WebSphere ESB: 7.5 Update, Best Practices, and Performance Recommendations
This session provides a detailed technical description of the new and improved features in the latest releases of IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus and IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus Registry Edition.

We will also discuss the best practices when developing mediation modules ready for production. It will describe recommendations for the usage of mediation primitives and bindings to increase the performance of your solution.

David Currie


11:40 - 12:25

Managing and Monitoring WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances
This session provides a technical introduction to the management and monitoring of heterogeneous collections of WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances. It will cover programmatic and scripted management using the freely available WebSphere Appliance Management Toolkit, along with the graphical management and monitoring capabilities of the new WebSphere Appliance Management Center product. Scenarios covered will include synchronization and life cycle deployment.

David Currie


13:30 - 14:15

Dynamic ESB and registry in SOA
IBM ESB and service registry products provide a robust, scalable, and flexible infrastructure for service mediation, hosting, visibility and control. In this session we will introduce you to the product capabilities which allow you to: leverage existing service enablements, create new services to quickly and dynamically connect service providers with service consumers, and to visualize the impact of your SOA and fosters controlled reuse to accelerate broad adoption.

Andrew Humphreys



14:25 - 15:10

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15:30 - 16:15

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16:25 - 17:10

(empty slot)

Portal SIG

09:30 - 10:15

Portal, Connections: delivering a resilient solution in the IBM Enterprise Cloud
Lessons learned: Portal, Connections: delivering a resilient solution in the IBM Enterprise Cloud' presentation at the WUG covering our design, implementation, challenges and lessons learned in delivering multiple environments in the IBM cloud for a large financial customer.

Paul Band

Paul Band is a certified IT specialist with IBM Software Services in the UK. He has been working with Portal and Collaborative software for over 10 years, having started with Domino Development. More recently Paul has focussed on IBM Portal and IBM Connections infrastructure for enterprise collaboration environments.

Paul has worked on a number of customer engagements ranging from application development; troubleshooting performance issues and producing high-level designs for enterprise collaboration.

Richard Shooter

Richard Shooter is a technical consultant with IBM Software Services in the UK.

Richard has led and contributed to a number of large enterprise IBM Portal projects with over the last 8 years.

Richard specialises in architecture design & implementation, and systems programming. Richard also has extensive experience in collaborative solutions, messaging systems and UNIX.


10:45 - 11:30

Exceptional web experiences, a look ahead to Portal 8
In this session we will take a look at the new features and capabilities that have been introduced into the IBM Portal & Web Content Manager v8 roadmap.

In addition the session will cover new components introduced in and above as well as assets available such as OpenID, and Industry Toolboxes.

Stuart Crump

Stuart is a L2 Certified member of the UK technical specialist team working with IBM Portal, IBM Web Content Manager and many of the other solution technologies utilising a core WebSphere foundation.

Stuart has spent over 10 years years working with collaborative web technologies and content systems both inside and outside IBM.


11:40 - 12:25

Internet self-registration for a Portal and Connections site
While IBM Portal and IBM Connections can be configured to use the same LDAP instance for authentication, there is no out of the box self-registration service for creating a user account in Portal and matching profiles in Connections.

In this presentation I will talk about how we have designed a self-registration service for an Internet-facing Portal and Connections web site. The solution uses the PUMA REST API for managing user accounts in Portal (and thus, in LDAP) and the Profiles REST API for managing Profiles in IBM Connections.

Soren Mogensen

Soren Mogensen works for IBM Software Service in the UK as a web content management (CMS) specialist, having joined IBM in 2007.

Soren has worked with web content management systems and J2EE development technologies for over 10 years.


13:30 - 14:15

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14:25 - 15:10

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15:30 - 16:15

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16:25 - 17:10

(empty slot)


09:30 - 10:15

Developing Effective Services for Use in Critical Business Processes
A Business Process Management (BPM) engine is an automated consumer of services. How is this type of consumer different from other consumers such as user interfaces? Will you be able to re-use the services you have exposed in your SOA to date? What additional characteristics might the service need to provide to be fit for use by an automated business process. This presentation uses a proven structured approach to analysing the interface characteristics required by a BPM based service consumer using a technique from a forthcoming developerworks article.

Kim Clark


10:45 - 11:30

Eating your own dog food - 10 Lessons learnt implementing IBM BPM(Lombardi)
This session covers the experience and lessons learnt implementing IBM BPM, specifically what used to be called the Lombardi capability. Ascendant Europe had a requirement to completely overhaul their recruitment process. The business had expanded via a recent merger which offered an opportunity to standardise on HR processes. A decision was taken to dramatically improve the recruitment process as a first phase of a larger transformation project. The Ascendant team decided to use IBM Lombardi as the technology to underpin the process improvement initiative. We will share our experience on implementing BPM within our own organisation, together with the key lessons learnt.

Robert Ablett

Robbie started his career at Lloyds TSB in 1998 as an IT Desktop Support and Report Analyst. In 2000 he moved onto PricewaterhouseCoopers as a helpline analyst and made quick progress to becoming team leader. In 2005 Robbie moved into a Technical Analyst role which evolved after a couple of years into Project Manager. Finally in January 2011 Robbie joined Ascendant Technology (Formally Open Logic) also as a project manager.

Over the years Robbie has delivered a wide variety of projects at PwC and Ascendant Technology including operating systems, infrastructure, internal developed applications and third party applications. Since joining Ascendant Technology Robbie has been interested in BPM Technology particularly around agile and the iterative way this technological solution is delivered. This lead him to gather the requirements of a selected process (recruitment), lead an internal project and deliver this solution into production.


11:40 - 12:25

(empty slot)

13:30 - 14:15

Client Advisor Accelerator: Smarter Client Interactions
Session includes a demonstration showing how Lombardi, JRules, Cognos and MDM server can be combined with a Rich Web UI to deliver real-time changes to product recommendations and questionnaire rules plus product performance simulations and relationship-based pricing.

Claudio Tagliabue



14:25 - 15:10

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15:30 - 16:15

(empty slot)

16:25 - 17:10

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09:30 - 10:15

What’s new in Cast Iron and Creating Development Accelerators
WebSphere Cast Iron cloud integration is IBM’s platform for integrating on-premise systems such as SAP, Siebel and DB2 with software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers such as SalesForce.com and Oracle CRM On Demand.

This session will initially provide a short overview of the Cast Iron platform including its variety of offerings, endpoint adapters, easy-to-use functionality and more, before discussing recent highlights in the platform and recently announced offering Cast Iron Express, Connector Development Kit and the IBM Service Management Pack for Hybrid Cloud Integration

It will demonstrate how to create a Cast Iron orchestration from scratch with zero coding, using the powerful object metadata discovery tools to introspect the data endpoints. We will then use the built in Studio Verify functionality to test the new orchestration, before following the simple steps required to package the orchestration as a Template Integration Process (TIP) and publish it to the public TIP repository where it can searched for and reused in subsequent projects.

Andrew Daniel

Andrew Daniel

Andrew Daniel is a Software Engineer in the IBM WebSphere Cast Iron Development team, based at the IBM Hursley Lab, where he is responsible for functional testing of the Cast Iron Express offering.

Andrew joined IBM in 2009 as a graduate after studying Computer Science and Games Technology at Nottingham Trent University.


10:45 - 11:30

Moving WebSphere towards Cloud with IBM Workload Deployer
IBM Workload Deployer (formerly WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance) v3 challenges the way we have designed and deployed WebSphere technologies for years.

This session will look at some of the ways that the IBM Workload Deployer brings Cloud capabilities to the enterprise. We will show how this platform helps you do your day job faster and better. But we will also look beyond that to the new opportunities that you can take advantage of such as elastic scaling and cloud qualities of service.

Jonathan Marshall

Jonathan Marshall

Jonathan Marshall is a WebSphere Technical Professional with 10 years experience in IBM with WebSphere software. He works predominantly with WebSphere Application Server at a range of IBM clients and in recent years done a lot of work with the virtualisation and cloud technologies of WebSphere Virtual Enterprise, WebSphere eXtreme Scale and IBM Workload Deployer. He has published developerWorks articles and a Redbook on the WebSphere eXtreme Scale usage scenarios. He has experience in both development and infrastructure. If that's not enough, Jonathan also has 4 energetic children to keep him busy.

11:40 - 12:25

(empty slot)

13:30 - 14:15

Agile Release Automation with Workload Deployer
With IBM's Workload Deployer (formerly WebSphere CloudBurst), the challenge of setting up and maintaining a complex WebSphere topology according to your conventions and standards becomes as simple as clicking a few buttons and waiting a couple of minutes. Turning this game-changing potential into a true Release Automation solution requires just one "small" issue to be taken care of: how to get your applications - the most frequently-changing component of your releases - deployed to these environments?

In this presentation, we'll discuss how the combination of on-demand middleware and enterprise-class Release Automation finally enables teams to realise end-to-end automation and truly deliver on the Agile promise of continuous delivery.

We'll identify some prerequisites and challenges on both the technical and process levels, discuss implementation options and introduce algorithm-based Release Automation and other Best Practices based on practical experience.

Andrew Phillips

Andrew Phillips is VP of Products for XebiaLabs, providers of the industry-leading release automation solution, Deployit. Andrew is a cloud, service delivery and automation expert and has been part of the shift to more automated application delivery platforms. Sitting on panels and driving blog and social media conversations, Andrew regularly contributes to trend-defining technology discussions.


14:25 - 15:10

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15:30 - 16:15

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16:25 - 17:10

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Java SIG

09:30 - 10:15

Inside Java 7

Speaker to be announced


10:45 - 11:30

Java Garbage Collection: Embracing next-generation hardware and software

Speaker to be announced


11:40 - 12:25

Optimizing Javaâ„¢ Applications in Cloud Environments

Speaker to be announced


13:30 - 14:15

Performance Tuning from the Pros
Worried you’re not getting every last ounce of performance out of your application running on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM)? Not sure where to start? Come hear some of the leading JVM implementers describe how to tune an application until it flies. This session will provide insights into different approaches to performance tuning, from low-level profiling through application-centered approaches. We’ll use several helpful free tools, including VisualVM, the IBM Visual Performance Analyzer, and the Eclipse Memory Analyzer, to get unique insights into running Java programs and unlock new levels of performance from your applications. You’ll leave with an appreciation of what JVM teams use to analyze and solve many performance bottlenecks.

David Jones

IBM Java Technology Center, IBM Hursley


14:25 - 15:10

(empty slot)

15:30 - 16:15

(empty slot)

16:25 - 17:10

(empty slot)

Vendor Stands

To enquire about a vendor stand please use our Contact Form


Royal Society of Edinburgh Map


22-26 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2PQ.
Tel: (0)131 240 5000

Car Parking

If you are arriving by car please note that parking near The Royal Society is limited to meter parking only which can prove costly. The nearest car parks are at the St James centre; Leith Street or Castle Terrace, where there are 24 hour car parks. Please allow 10-15 minutes after parking to get to the venue.

By Road

Main roads into Edinburgh are the M8 from the West and the A1 from the South. From the East please follow the A90 and head for Queensferry Road

By Rail

Waverley Station is a five minute walk from the Royal Society with frequent local and national services. For Further information on train services please contact National Rail Enquiries on 08457484950

By Air

Edinburgh airport is approximately 12 kilometres from the city centre and is well served by frequent bus services and airport taxis. Car hire is available at the airport . The airport is a 20-30 minute car drive from the city centre.

Note, return flights from London are currently avaliable from budget carriers such easyJet for approx £50.

By Bus

Bus services to and from Edinburgh arrive/depart from St Andrew Square which is a five minute walk away.

By Bicycle

Main roads into Edinburgh are the M8 from the West and the A1 from the South. Cycle paths exist within Edinburgh. If you wish to come by bicycle please advise so that bike storage facilities can be arranged.

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